7 Yellow Color Applications in Building Architecture

Yellow has a strong character. The primary color of this one can stand out because of its bright nature. This makes the yellow color often chosen to give the appearance of more outstanding or clarify the focal point of a design.

On the other hand, in architecture, the yellow design is not a safe choice in every design. The use of yellow in buildings can be quite tricky. However, the following architectural building designs are examples of successful applications of yellow in architectural design:

1. Modern architecture at Falcon Headquarters

The Falcon corporate headquarters has a yellow building facade, making it also popularly known as the "Yellow Headquarters". This color is not just a sweetener appearance but serves to regulate the temperature on the inside of the building to keep it comfortable.

This yellow facade also provides shadow play to the interior of the building and also stands out on the outside of the building among the beautiful vegetation.

2. The Aztec Serpent Office that refreshes France

Located in the middle of the city, this one office building combines a glass facade with a yellow color which gives a more dynamic appearance to this building. The composition of the shape of the building and also the application of two different facade characters make this building look different from every point of view in yellow as a focal point that can not be separated from your view.

3. Tire fisherman housing in Abbasiyeh, Lebanon

Yellow is also synonymous with a playful and cheerful impression. This impression is to be presented through the combination of this bright color with a dynamic composition of buildings such as fishing housing in Lebanon this one.

The combination of yellow with the concept of open communal space in the middle is believed to be able to reduce stress levels and increase harmony between residents.

4. The bold design of Cube House in Rotterdam

Cube House is one of the concepts of residential property for limited land that can be said to have a fairly bold shape processing. With the shape of the box arranged diagonally, the design of this building looks very dynamic. Coupled with the application of yellow, this Cube house looks very brave and still attractive.

5. The historic city of Izamal, Mexico

The application of yellow is not only attractive in cities and modern buildings. In Mexico, more precisely the city of Izamal, you can find how this color is applied to historic buildings with classical architectural styles.

The use of yellow actually makes the building designs much more attractive so that it adds to the attractiveness of people to explore further the culture of this old city.

6. School of Architecture, FIU di Miami

Florida International University (FIU) located in Miami has a building that successfully combines yellow and red as a color composition that helps the building become a point of interest in the surrounding environment.

The two very striking primary colors are designed with pixelated color gradations so that they can give a more modern, artistic look.

7. A colorful charm in the City of Antiqua, Guatemala

Similar to the city of Izamal in Mexico, the city with historic architecture in Guatemala also looks very beautiful with the color scheme it uses. Visiting Antiqua, you can find various historical buildings with colorful faces. The use of bold colors, such as yellow, helps the face of the building to stay present and preferred by tourists visiting the city.

Those are various pictures of the application of yellow in building designs and architectural elements from all over the world that show that yellow can also look attractive, elegant, and even stunning! What if you try it on a dwelling?