Long History of Indonesian Architecture Development

The face of Indonesian architecture has a distinctive character and a long story. No wonder many people are interested in studying the transformation of the Indonesian architectural world from traditional to modernization.

Want to know the development of the Indonesian architectural world? Consider a brief overview of the long history of Indonesian architecture as follows:

The Vernacular Architecture of Indonesia

One of the highlights of the face of Indonesian architecture is the existence of a variety of traditional and diverse houses from various regions in the archipelago. The wealth of traditional architecture is also called vernacular architecture.

In the past, Indonesian architecture grew and formed from indigenous peoples and was part of the identity, culture, and traditions of the region's indigenous civilizations. Indonesia, which is rich in ethnicity, has finally bequeathed the diverse face of Indonesian architecture and you can see it like the Rumah Gadang, Rumah Limas, Rumah Joglo Rumah Jawa, and Honai House in Papua.

The Influence of Hindu-Buddhist Influences on Indonesian Architecture

Then, the entry of Hindu-Buddhist teachings into the archipelago also had an influence on Indonesian architecture. This can be seen from the start of building various typical temples by using stone materials and also special reliefs. The face of Indonesian architecture at this time you can still see the remnants of historic buildings such as the Borobudur Temple or Prambanan Temple.

Until now, elements of Indonesian architecture during the Hindu-Buddhist era are still often used to bring to life the ethnic impression of modern buildings, you know.

Indonesian architecture at the time of the success of the Islamic Kingdom of the Archipelago

After the Hindu-Buddhist era, the entry of Islamic teachings into the archipelago led to the birth of many Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago. In the beginning, Indonesian architecture had not changed so much, only the use of Islamic ornaments began to be known. Many ancient mosques adapt the shape and architecture of Hindu-Buddhist buildings.

The wider teachings of Islam and the entry of travelers from the Middle East then began to influence the Islamic architecture typical of the Middle Eastern country in Indonesian architecture at that time.

The Era of Colonialism and the New Face of Indonesian Architecture

Then came Dutch colonialism that lasted no less than three and a half centuries. It is undeniable, during the colonization, the Dutch also helped build cities in Indonesia. And indirectly helped develop the world of Indonesian architecture at that time.

Various Dutch-style buildings were modified to be able to adapt to the tropical climate mushrooming in big cities. This classic style became the face of Indonesian architecture at that time.

Its influence on contemporary Indonesian architecture can still be felt from the use of stained glass materials that still exist today and also various carving details that are often used in classic-style dwellings.

Modern Architecture and Contemporary Era

When Indonesia gained its independence. Indonesia's architectural face slowly began to improve as economic coffers began to be built. Modern architect figures such as Frederich Silaban present change the appearance of Indonesian architecture to be more relevant and modern.

Until now, Indonesia's architectural style has been transformed into a more modern and contemporary face because of the combination and influence of various styles that have developed long in Indonesia, thus giving birth to architectural wealth for the archipelago.

That is the long journey of Indonesian architecture to the formation of a more modern and varied Indonesian architecture today. Although it has been transformed, architectural styles in Indonesia at a particular historical period up to now can still be seen because of the aesthetic values ​​that still enjoy today.