1920s Architectural Style Applied in Mediterranean Houses

Who is not familiar with the architectural style of the home Mediterranean that has been in demand and popular in Indonesia since the 1990s? Considered magnificent and capable of displaying an elegant impression, many like the architectural style of Mediterranean homes, even though the actual Mediterranean home design is present not for countries with climatic and geographical situations such as Indonesia.

Are you also interested in Mediterranean home design styles? If yes, there's no harm in finding out first about the ins and outs of the architectural style of the Mediterranean house before realizing your own dream Mediterranean house. Let's read more!

Architectural History of Mediterranean Houses

Although it is very popular in Indonesia with a tropical climate, the architectural style of the Mediterranean house itself is originally a style popularized by buildings in the Mediterranean region in ancient times. The Mediterranean region which has conditions where the intensity of the wind is high enough to make the Mediterranean house building has a high and prominent structural character.

Located in the Greek region where the style of the Mediterranean house originally appeared, the influence of geographical conditions is also reflected in the color composition of the architectural style of the Mediterranean house.

Mediterranean houses generally use colors like white, brown sand, blue and sky green and the colors of the sea. The colors that tend to be pale and soft are inspired by the natural conditions of the Mediterranean region.

In addition to being influenced by Greek culture, the architectural style of the Mediterranean house was also influenced by Spanish culture. This can be seen from the use of reddish-brown and pale yellow colors in the architectural style of the Mediterranean house which symbolizes Spain's deserted geographical conditions in the South.

Type of Mediterranean Home Architecture Style

As mentioned earlier, the architectural style of Mediterranean houses in the European region is much influenced by the culture of countries on the continent. This makes the architectural style of the Mediterranean house has a slightly different character based on its origin. For this reason, the style of the Mediterranean house is divided into several types. The following describes the types of architectural styles of Mediterranean homes:

A type of Greek-style Mediterranean house

The architecture of a Mediterranean house influenced by the Greek style appears simpler with a more modern and simpler style of furniture. With plastered walls and white wooden flooring materials, typical colors often used in Greek-style Mediterranean houses are cobalt blue and turquoise.

A type of Italian-style Mediterranean house

Next is an Italian-style Mediterranean house that has a characteristic of the use of earthy tone colors such as maroon, brown, and orange. The use of materials made from wood also tends to choose brown wood.

A type of Mediterranean style Spanish house

The type of Mediterranean house subsequently gained influence from Spain. Identical to the more lively impression, the characteristic of this one Mediterranean house is the use of bright colors and also Mozaic murals with the use of contrasting colored rocks.

Characteristics and Architectural Characteristics of Mediterranean Houses

Of the various types of architectural styles of Mediterranean houses that have been reviewed, in general, there are several characteristics and characteristics. By implementing the following characteristics, realizing the Mediterranean style of your dream home is no longer just a dream!

The existence of a porch or Portico

Characteristics of the thickest Mediterranean houses can be seen from the presence of the porch which is often also referred to by the term portico. Generally, the porch on this Mediterranean house has support poles on the left and right side of the entrance to the Mediterranean house.

Pillars or columns in a Mediterranean house

As discussed at the outset, the characteristic of a Mediterranean house is its sturdy structure. So, do not be surprised if you will find a lot of splendid accents and columns in the Mediterranean style of home architecture.

Not only in the portico, the existence of columns and pillars can also be found on the right and left the side of the window to the door on the Mediterranean house.

Terrace of the Mediterranean style house

The terrace is an element that can be found in many houses of any type. However, in Mediterranean homes, terraces generally have a very large size and not only are in front or back of the house, the terrace is also sometimes built in the middle of the house. The terrace of the Mediterranean house in the middle of the building will usually be equipped with a fountain pond decoration and also a small house garden.

Roof elements in a Mediterranean house

In Mediterranean houses, although the shape of the roof model varies, ranging from flat, shielding, to dung, but generally use the same material, namely in the form of red earth tiles that are reddish-brown. In the past, the tile used came from Spain and was used because it was suitable for dry and humid climates making it suitable for Mediterranean homes.

In addition, Mediterranean homes are always equipped with tritisan which also eventually becomes the identity characteristics of the Mediterranean home design style.

The walls of the Mediterranean house

The character of the walls of the Mediterranean house is the use of one type of brick, namely clay brick which is able to protect the Mediterranean house from rain, sun, and heat, which is a general climatic condition in the Mediterranean region.

However, for Mediterranean houses that have been brought in and are popular in South America, Mediterranean house walls generally utilize natural stone that has a rougher original texture.

Curved ornamentation and detail

One of the characteristics of a Mediterranean house that is very easily recognized is the presence of ornaments and curved building elements. This is because the architectural style of the Mediterranean house got a lot of influence from the Roman civilization.

In addition to the arch, each decorative element of a Mediterranean house generally has intricate details. You will not find plain, simple decoration details in a Mediterranean house.

Finishing Floor

Generally in Mediterranean homes, flooring material uses terracotta tiles. However, as technology develops, now many modern Mediterranean homes are beginning to turn to the use of ceramic floor or floor materials with earthy tone colors that characterize the architecture of Mediterranean homes.

Mediterranean Home Inspiration

Not only popular, but Mediterranean homes are also often a favorite choice and dream home designs in various countries. Here are some examples of Mediterranean home designs that can inspire the Mediterranean home of your dreams.

Smith-Heberton House

This Mediterranean house is also known by the name "El Hogar" which is the Spanish language of the house. Built-in 1916 in Montecito, Calif Mediterranean house is the work of architect George Washington Smith whose design style was popular in the early 20th century.

Frances Marion dan Fred Thomson House

Next is a Mediterranean house by architect Wallace Neff designed for a manuscript writer, Frances Marion, and her husband who is an actor, Fred Thomson in 1925. Although for a long time, this Mediterranean house is quite popular and can be used as a reference model of a Mediterranean house that is worth emulating.

Fred C. Aiken House

Built in 1926, the Mediterranean house by architect Addison Mizner is listed in one of the historical places in America because it is a relic of Aiken, mayor of the city of Boca Raton in 1929 to 1938. Besides having historical value, the Mediterranean style of this house also contains aesthetic values ​​that can so inspire the Mediterranean house of your dreams.

That is a variety of information and subtleties about the architectural style of Mediterranean homes. Starting from history, characteristics to various examples and inspirations of the Mediterranean house it certainly has enriched your horizons also gives you an overview of the Mediterranean home. What kind of house is suitable for you to realize as your dream home?