6 Interesting Characteristics of Modern Architecture, You Need to Know!

Almost everyone has probably heard the term modern architecture. However, the term modern architecture itself does not necessarily mean architecture that exists today in modern times. In fact, the era of modern architecture developed several decades ago. What does modern architecture really look like, and how did the style of modern architecture initially develop? Check out the following reviews of modern architecture!

History of Modern Architecture

The modern architectural style is a static architectural style that developed in pre-industrial times as a form of revolution from traditional architectural styles. This architectural style is usually associated with architectural styles that developed in the 1920s to 1950s. One of the turning points in the development of modern architecture is the birth of modern architecture "Fallingwater House" by Frank Lloyn Wright, also known as a figure of modern architecture.

Many also say that the main influence of the development of modern architecture in the mid-20th century was the development of the aviation industry and also space travel at the time. This development inspired forms of aerodynamic composition and also more exploration of the use of iron material in the architectural world.

Modern architectural styles developed from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. One of the pioneers of modern architecture in Indonesia is Liem Bwam Tjie who is an Indonesian architect of Chinese descent from the city of Semarang. Liem Bwan Tjie was the first Indonesian to study at the Technical College in Delft, the Netherlands. He also studied at Technische Hoogeschool in Delft in 1920 and Ecole des Beaux Arts, the most prestigious art and architecture school in Europe at that time.

His expertise in the world of modern architecture made the works of modern architecture Liem Bwam Tjie parallel with the famous Dutch architects during the reign of the Dutch East Indies, such as Maclaine Pont, Hulswit, Fermont and Cuijpers, Gmelich Meiling, and Aalbers at that time.

What are the Characteristics of Modern Architecture?

Although many buildings that are developing now look like modern architectural styles, but most architectural styles are now developments from existing modern architectural styles and are more commonly referred to as contemporary architecture. Then, what exactly are the characteristics of modern architecture?

Simplicity goes to the core of the design

Developing after the era of more traditional architecture, modern architecture has a look far from simple when compared to traditional architectural styles which are more colored with decorative details. Comes with simplicity amidst the traditional styles that developed at that time, certainly, the aesthetics of modern architecture are more prominent and much in demand.

Adherents of the concept of modern architecture themselves have the principle that simplicity is the greatest form of art that can convey not only the story but also the personality of the building.

Line elements that are symmetrical and clean

Almost all iconic buildings in modern architectural style have very strong line elements. Whether it's elements of horizontal lines on the floor plan, to vertical and diagonal lines on the composition of the mass and building facades. Including the house facade or building facade. Wavy lines, curves or asymmetric lines will be very rarely found in buildings with modern architectural style.

Less is More

The term " Less is More " is a term popularized by modern architectural figures Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which refers to a minimalist approach to buildings. There is no excessive use of ornaments or other building elements. Each element is formed based on the function and aesthetics simultaneously.

Honesty in the use of material

Some types of building materials that are often used in modern architectural-style buildings are iron, concrete, glass, and also wood. The existence of this material will be easily felt and seen in buildings both in the interior or in the face of the building without being covered or manipulated using artificial materials.

An open plan with lots of glass elements

In contrast to the spatial layout of traditional buildings in general, modern architectural-style buildings generally have a much more open floor plan with a minimal presence of room dividers and also the many uses of glass as openings so that modern architectural-style houses generally seem very open.

Relationship with the surrounding environment

Modern architecture generally always has a very close relationship with the topography of the environment or site. The best example of this is Fallingwater House, which has a direct connection between the interior and exterior which is very smooth.

Inspiration in the Creation of Modern Architectural Style House

To provide more insight into what the original modern architectural style was like in the 20th century, here are a few iconic buildings that are often considered the center of the development of modern architectural styles in the world.

Villa Savoye - Le Corbusier (1929)

Le Corbusier is one of the architects who has many works that have an influence on the development of the world of modern architecture, one of which is Villa Savoye. The house which is dominated by white color was designed based on 5 Corbusier principles, namely the ground floor column, an open floor plan, horizontal windows, facade without structural beams, and also a functional roof. Now, this house has been converted into a museum.

Fallingwater House – Frank Lloyd Wright (1939)

Who would have thought the inspiration from the iconic house by Frank Lloyd Wright is Japanese architecture that uses a lot of cantilevers? Built as a vacation spot, this house is designed to blend into the natural landscape of the site. Now, Fallingwater House has changed its function to become a museum and remains one of the icons of the development of modern architecture.

Farnsworth House - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1951)

Later modern architectural buildings are often considered the best work of architect Ludwig Mise van der Rohe. Although this building has many problems and also controversies in the future, Farnsworth House is considered to have an important role in the development of modern architecture. Now Farnsworth House has been restored into a museum.

House Bordeaux - Rem Koolhaas (1998)

The next modern architectural style house is Maison Bordeaux by architect Rem Koolhaas which was designed with many uses for various materials ranging from glass, aluminum, concrete, to steel. With a modular form and simplicity of a floor plan, this house is a modern architectural style building which is often the center of observers of modern architecture.

Glass House –  Philip Johnson (1949)

Philip Johnson designed the house he lived in with a very minimalist design and made use of transparent glass elements as the main element of this house. His experiments with dimensions and geometric shapes make this building an icon of modern architectural development.

Those are the various characteristics of modern architecture and the inspiration for the creation of global architectural style buildings. The modern architecture itself is not just about the exterior appearance of the building, but also includes the interior and arrangement of the use of furniture. Interested in realizing your own modern architectural style house?