Different Types of Contemporary Architectural Design!

Have you ever heard the term contemporary architecture? You could say that contemporary architectural styles are 21st-century architectural styles that have developed from various architectural styles that have existed so far. Even so in contemporary architectural styles, you will not find one style that is more dominant than the other styles.

The contemporary architectural style is indeed not the most popular style choice, but the existence of a dynamic contemporary architecture will always have a place for people who want to get out of the conventional architectural style and want to look more different. However, because it is a "present" style, the contemporary architectural style is often equated with modern architecture which actually only developed in the era of the 19th to 20th centuries.

Then, what is the style of contemporary architecture and how is it different from modern architectural styles?

Difference between Contemporary Architecture and Modern Architecture

For those of you who are attached to the world of architecture, the terms of contemporary architecture and modern architecture are often heard together and often, be it in terms of buildings, interiors, furniture, products, or architecture as a whole. Although at first glance the elements and visuals of these two architectural styles are similar, contemporary architectural styles are not the same as modern architectural styles.

Contemporary architectural style can be simply defined as the architecture that is made today. The contemporary architectural style is dynamic and will constantly change as the unconventional style of contemporary architecture will become conventional as the development of architecture. Developing from other architectural styles, the contemporary architecture combines various elements of architectural style without one prominent architectural style element.

Whereas modern architectural style is a more static architectural style, developed in pre-industrial times as a form of revolution from traditional architectural styles. This architectural style is usually associated with architectural styles that developed in the 1920s to 1950s.

One of the reasons why these two architectural styles are often related and considered the same for some people is because many elements of modern architectural styles can be found in contemporary architectural styles. This is because contemporary architectural styles are further development of modern architectural styles.

Characteristics and Character of Contemporary Architecture

To get a better picture of contemporary architecture, here are some basic features and characters:


One characteristic of contemporary architecture can be seen from the exploration of the shape of the roof. In the modern era, as now, you may rarely see a shield-shaped roof like a conventional roof, but a more flat shape with overstack to protect buildings from the sun.

Architects who are more willing to explore contemporary architecture might also be able to come up with more unique and uncommon roof forms such as green roofs to curved roofs or other dynamic forms.

Natural Lighting

The development of architectural trends, the use of natural resources is increasingly being considered. This can also be found in contemporary architectural styles, especially in the use of natural lighting.

Large openings, skylights, procurement of house voids, until the use of glass or other transparent material is very likely to be found in buildings with a contemporary architectural style.

Spaces are more open and fused

Contemporary architecture generally has interior spaces that are open and integrated with one another. This makes many contemporary structural modifications found in the structure to allow a large open space without the disturbance of the presence of the structure in the middle.

Exterior Material

In contemporary architecture, the facade of a house or building facade is a creative space that has no boundaries. Starting from the application of simple and conventional materials to the use of dynamic unconventional materials that can be applied to conventional architectural styles.

Relationship with the Outside Environment

One of the hallmarks of architects who apply contemporary architectural styles is the ability of contemporary architecture to create a harmonious relationship between the building and the surrounding environment. Not only in the use of local materials and variations in landscape design but to the use of the environment and nature as part of the building itself both in terms of visual to function. This makes generally contemporary architectural-style buildings able to adapt in any environment even in extreme environmental conditions.

Examples of Application of Contemporary Architecture

Then, what is the actual application of contemporary architectural styles? To make it easier to understand, you can see some examples of architectural works that are famous for the application of contemporary architectural styles:

The Capital Gate Tower in Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates by RMJM

This 35-story skyscraper has a circular mass composition that rotates as much as 18 degrees in the middle making it look very different from the design of skyscrapers in general.

Building in a contemporary architectural style by an architectural firm from Scotland, this RMJM has a different floor layout for each floor.

The Tenerife Auditorium - by Santiago Calatrava

The next contemporary architectural style building is the building of architect Santiago Calatrava who indeed spawned a lot of stunning contemporary architectural works. The Auditorio de Tenerife building has a curved and circular shape which actually looks very unconventional for other buildings that have an auditorium function. Interesting, contemporary architectural style makes this auditorium building very iconic.

The Sydney Opera House – by Jorn Utzon

Who doesn't know the Sydney Opera House on the Australian Continent? This building is an example of another iconic contemporary architectural style building. Although inaugurated in 1973, the structure and shape of this building became a reference point of contemporary architectural style.

The iconic shape of this contemporary architectural style building itself is inspired by the shape of the sails of the ship or a collection of shells piled up with one another

The Long House – Great Britain by Hopkins Architects

Not only in various commercial buildings, but the contemporary architectural style is also very possible for you to apply to residential. One example of a house that applies contemporary architectural concepts is The Long House by Hopkins Architects.

This contemporary architectural style house has a long period of composition and allows it to have unconventional interior layout arrangements.

That is a simple description of contemporary architectural styles ranging from their differences to modern architectural styles, characters, to their application. Compared to other architectural styles, contemporary architectural styles provide more space for creation and exploration in various aspects of architectural elements. Are you interested in applying contemporary architectural styles to your home and furniture?