Important Characteristics of Post Modern Architecture You Need to Know!

The term post-modern architecture is not as popular as other architectural design styles. In fact, post-modern architecture is still developing and being used today, you know. By knowing the characteristics of post-modern architecture, surely you will realize that many buildings and houses around you are implementing or adapting post-modern architectural styles.

Come on, find out more about post-modern architecture ranging from development, character, to how it is applied to your house!

A Brief History of Post Modern Architecture

Movement or post-modern architectural style began to be born in the era of the 1960s as a form of gardening reaction to the minimalistic value, formality, and lack of variation in the style of modern architecture that developed at that time. This value can be seen from the architectural styles of architects Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

The postmodern architecture style finally continued to develop from the 1980s to the 1990s. Famous architects as post-modern architectural figures are Charles Jenks, Venturi, Philip Johnson, and Michael Graves.

In the late 1990s, postmodern architecture developed further and was divided into various streams with different approaches such as hi-tech architecture, neo-classical architecture, and the style of architectural deconstructivism.

Some examples of postmodern architecture products at that time that you can make references in creating your own post-modern architectural style house are Robert Venturi House and Guild House in Philadelphia by Robert Venturi, 550 Madison Avenue and PPG Place in Pittsburgh by Philip Johnson and Piazza d ' Italy in New Orleans by Charles Moore. These various buildings are well-known and are often used as references from early products of the postmodern architecture movement.

Stream in Post Modern Architecture

Developed in various areas by many architectural experts, post-modern architecture then developed into various streams. The streams in post-modern architecture itself are classified based on the design concept and the response of the design to the environment.

One of the postmodern architectural figures, Charles Jenks classifies post-modern architecture into 6 types of post modern architecture which according to him has existed since the 1960s, where post modern architecture began to develop. The post-modern architecture flow includes:

Post-modern Architecture – Historicism

In the post modern historicism architecture flow, the design of the building or modern house is combined with various classical elements such as ionic and doric columns and carvings which are generally found more in classical architecture than modern architecture.

Architect figures who follow the flow of historicism are Aero Saarinen, Phillip Johnson, Robert Venturi, Kisho Kurokawa, and Kyionori Kikutake.

Postmodern Architecture – Straight Revivalism

In the post-modern architecture of straight revivalism, elements in neo-classical architectural styles are revived through monumental designs and the application of rhythmic and symmetrical design compositions.

Architect figures who follow the flow of straight revivalism are Aldo Rossi, Monta Mozuna, Ricardo Bofill, and Mario Botta.

Post modern architecture - Neo-vernacularism

The flow of post-neo-vernacularism post modern architecture, elements of architecture that are modern and then mated with traditional or local elements that exist in the surrounding environment. Its application can be like the use of Javanese architectural decoration patterns in modern buildings, or the use of a gadang roof shape in buildings with modern architecture.

Architect figures who follow the flow of neo-vernacularism are Darbourne and Darke, Joseph Isherick, Aldo Van Eyck.

Post modern architecture– Contextualism (Urbanist + ad Hoc)

In the post modern contextualism architecture, all design concepts are directed and focused on the location of the building placement, where the design must pay attention to the surrounding environment in order to create a composition that is in harmony with the surrounding environment. This flow is also known as the urbanist school. If in a home building, you could say this is the philosophy of creating an environmentally friendly home.

Architect figures who follow the flow of contextualism are Lucien Kroll, Leon Krier, and James Stirling.

Post Modern Architecture – Metaphor & Metaphysical

If you have ever seen buildings with interesting, unique and philosophical forms of architecture, then the building may adhere to the post-metaphor and metaphysical post-modern architecture.

The form of architectural design is an explicit and implicit expression of the metaphorical and metaphysical (spiritual) expressions of the architect who generally has a philosophical story behind the design.

Architect figures who follow the flow of metaphor & metaphysical are Stinley Tigerman, Antonio Gaudi, and Mimoru Takeyama.

Post modern space architecture

The last post modern architecture flow is the flow of space, where architectural design shows one of the architectural principles, namely the formation of space by composing the building components themselves.

Architect figures who follow the flow of post modern space architecture are Peter Eisenman, Robert Stern, Charler Moore, Kohn, and Pederson-Fox.

Typical Characteristics and Character of Post Modern Architecture

As one of the popular architectural styles, post-modern architecture has its own characteristics. According to one of Indonesia's architectural figures, Budi Sukada (1988), post modern architecture has the following general characteristics:
  • Contains communicative elements that are local or popular
  • Resurrecting memories back to historic
  • Urban contexts
  • Re-apply ornamentation techniques
  • Representational
  • Metaphorically (can mean other forms)
  • Generated from participation
  • Reflect general aspirations
  • Plain
  • Eclectic

From some of the characteristics of the postmodern architecture, there are some simple steps you can apply to apply the post modern architectural style to your home.

Highlight sturdy straight lines on both the exterior and interior

Both visually and spatial planning, apply straight and symmetric elements. If you want to give a more dynamic impression, use angles outside the angle of the elbow.

Start from a simple form, then develop

If you notice, most post-modern architecture buildings are the development of simple basic mass compositions such as square, triangle, or trapezoid.

Use the same approach by starting the design from a simple basic form before adding other elements to develop your post modern architecture design. Do not forget the appropriate room decoration.

Take advantage of decorative elements, but still minimalist

One feature that you should not miss in applying post-modern architectural styles is to use decor elements. You can create these decoration elements from your own design or simplify the form of pre-existing decor elements such as classic or traditional building decorations. For example Bali House.

However, pay attention, not to overuse details, or traditional or classic identities will become more visible than post modern impression.

Use contrasting design elements

Furthermore, you can use various elements that contrast with each other such as material, as well as the application of color combinations in a post modern architectural style house. For this part, you don't need to be half-hearted to be as creative as possible.

Enter the story in the post modern architecture concept of house building

When designing a house, even though its function and comfort are foremost, don't forget to insert philosophical stories and concepts into your home design.

Although not a popular term, in fact, post modern architecture is one style of architecture that is close to everyday life and is also very likely to be applied until now, both for commercial buildings and homes. C'mon, create your house in a post modern architecture style!