What is Tropical Architecture and What are Its Characteristics?

Located in a tropical climate, Nusantara architecture is identical with Tropical Architecture. Not only reflected in vernacular architectural buildings in Indonesia, but the values ​​of Tropical Architecture are also implemented in various modern buildings to ensure the building is able to adapt to the environment, and residents are able to get the maximum comfort.

But what exactly is Tropical Architecture? How can an architectural object be categorized as Tropical Architecture? Come, see a brief review of Tropical Architecture and its characteristics.

What is Tropical Architecture?

There are still many lay people who define Tropical Architecture in terms of form and appearance only. For example, the use of natural materials or the use of vegetation is considered sufficient to represent the value of Tropical Architecture. Whereas Tropical Architecture is more than just the appearance of buildings but includes the system of the building.

Starting from the arrangement of house plans, spaces in buildings, air circulation and lighting, to the use of materials - all of them should consider their suitability with climate and weather which generally exists in tropical climates.

Simply put, Tropical Architecture can be defined as an architectural concept or architectural product (buildings, houses, and the like) that is able to adapt to tropical climate conditions. Tropical climate itself has its own characteristics such as hot sunshine throughout the year, high humidity, high rainfall, wind movement, and different air conditions.

It is this climatic condition that needs to be considered so that Tropical Architecture is able to present the best functions and comfort for residents of the house or building.

Characteristics and Characteristics of Tropical Architecture

Although Tropical Architecture can be present in various forms according to the style and approach of the Architect, there are some common characteristics or characteristics that you can find in buildings with the concept of Tropical Architecture. Here are some features of Tropical Architecture that you need to know about

The shape of the roof on the sloping dwelling

The roofs in the houses with the concept of Tropical Architecture are generally tilted with a slope above 30 degrees. This is due to the morphology of the roof like this is able to make high rainfall in tropical climates can flow smoothly directly to the ground without fear of flooding at the top of the building.

In addition, the sloping roof in Tropical Architecture also provides an empty space at the bottom of the roof which also serves to reduce the heat from the blazing Tropical sun so that the spaces in the residential with Tropical Architecture.

The flat roof design is actually not suitable for homes in tropical climates because it is prone to leaking due to stagnant rainwater. However, in modern buildings or houses, this is often circumvented by good drainage water circulation arrangements so that stagnant rainwater can be minimized.


Occupancy or buildings that carry the concept of Tropical Architecture generally have overstek or teritisan wide enough to minimize tampers from rainfall and high tropical climate wind speeds. Another function of this line itself is to reduce direct sunlight to enter the spaces so that occupancy remains cool without reducing the quality of lighting.

Cross-Ventilation or Cross Circulation

Another characteristic of Tropical Architecture is the application of air circulation or cross ventilation to ensure air can enter and circulate properly in the room so the room becomes more comfortable. Another feature related to air circulation in Tropical Architecture is the number of ventilation openings that are sufficiently large to maximize the air entering the dwelling and also present the best lighting.

Local Material

When referring to the more traditional Archipelago Tropical Architecture, the use of materials in the dwellings concept of Tropical Architecture generally utilizes local resources. The use of local materials is because local materials generally have the best resistance to weather and climate in the area.

Those are some brief reviews of what exactly Tropical Architecture is. By understanding the workings of Tropical Architecture, you will certainly begin to be able to map out solutions to the problems that exist in your home that may not fully apply the values ​​of Tropical Architecture.