Even though Mobile Legends has a total hero that is almost close to 100. But in every patch or season there are heroes who come out as meta heroes. Namely a hero who is considered relatively stronger than other heroes, so he will be picked up more often.
Here there is a unique fact where the list of meta heroes in Mythic rank and Epic rank can differ 180 degrees, even though there is no difference whatsoever if the hero is used by Mythic or Epic ranks. How could that be?
After watching many Youtube videos, playing in the Epic tier, and talking with followers in the Epic tier. The author summarizes several factors that make a hero sell well in the epic rank:
- Micro-friendly: Heroes who require high mechanics or fast-hand
- Late game specialist: Hero must be strong in the late game, exceeding 15 minutes
- Farming-oriented: Hero whose objective focus is farming until late game, only joins teamfight after having lots of items
1. Hanabi

Hanabi is the most popular marksman hero in the Epic rank. It looks like Hanabi is quite popular because of her farming skills that are fast, easy to use, and strong in the late game.
In Mythic this hero doesn’t sell well because the tempo of this hero is too slow. Unlike other marksman heroes such as Bruno, Brody, or Claude who from the early game were able to join a team fight and inflict great damage on the opposing team.
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2. Aldous
This hero is arguably one of the most banned fighter heroes in Epic. Many Epic players are afraid of this hero and this actually makes sense. When Aldous has collected 500 stacks and entered the 15th minute, Aldous will become a very frightening hero.
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Skill 1 can be used to kill enemy soft heroes with one beat. Even for tank heroes, it can only beat 2-3x skill 1 when the stack and Aldous items are full.
In Mythic Aldous didn’t sell because this hero was very easy to press in the early game so it was difficult to collect the stack. Then this hero also doesn’t have high durability so it’s easy to kill at first. Then even if you have to enter the late game, players in Mythic usually have prepared Aldous counter items such as Twilight Armor (max damage 900), Winter Truncheon (can’t take damage for 2 seconds), and Immortal (come back to life after death).
3. Alucard
Since Alucard was revamped in the Next Mobile Legends project in September, Alucard’s damage and farming abilities have increased sharply. And there are also many Alucard players who successfully slaughtered their opponents in the Epic rank so that this hero became a fighting hero for role jungler and sidelane.
But in Mythic this hero again doesn’t sell at all. Even though it has been revamped, Alucard’s main weakness remains unchanged, this hero is very easy to use CC like stun and slow. An Alucard can only be effective when he can attack the enemy without interruption so that his lifesteal can be very high and makes this hero difficult to kill.
In Mythic heroes with CC are very popular, making it difficult for Alucard to be able to attack enemy heroes without interruption. Not to mention where many Mythic support heroes buy a Necklace of Durance (NOD), and this item actually counters Alucard’s lifesteal.
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4. Lesley
Similar to Hanabi, Lesley is the second most popular marksman (MM) in the Epic rank. This hero has critical burst damage which is very painful in the late game. Then this hero is also easy to use without requiring a high mechanic from the player.
But just like Hanabi, MM Lesley’s hero doesn’t have blurry skills and is very easy to kill by Assassin heroes in the Mythic meta. So that this hero immediately did not sell at all in the Mythic rank.
5. Sun

Here is another fighter hero who is selling well in the Epic rank. This hero can actually inflict high damage since mid-game, especially against tank heroes because his passivity can reduce the opponent’s hero armor.
However, the weakness of this hero is low durability and does not have escape skills. So that this hero is also easy to kill in the Mythic rank. Fighter-fighters who are meta in mythic are heroes with high durability, shield, or regen. So that when a fighter hero does not have one of the above, it will certainly not sell well.
6. Johnson

Now this hero is actually an anti-meta hero in the Epic rank. Anti meta means a hero who is effective against heroes who sell well in meta. So you could say Johnson is the hero for the Epic meta rank hero.
This hero can be effective in the Epic rank for one thing: dark map. Many epic players don’t have the experience to guess where the opponent’s hero is, then this is added badly by a friend’s tank hero who doesn’t open the map. Because of this, many epic players often farm on their own and don’t realize that they are suddenly hit by Johnson’s car.
The factors above make Johnson a creepy tank in the Epic tier and even get to the tires. Even though Johnson is not one of the Overpowered (OP) tank heroes on paper. This hero really needs level 4, because skills 1 and 2 are less effective than meta tank heroes. In stark contrast to the Mythic tier tank heroes such as Jawhead, Hilda, Khaleed, and Baxia, who from level 1 or 2 have been able to destroy the opponent’s hero.
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These are the heroes who sell well in the Epic rank but don’t sell in Mythic. The heroes above can be sold in Epic because the hero is effective in the Epic tier and not in Mythic, so don’t be surprised if the meta hero between Epic and Mythic is quite different.
For Epical Glory tier players (or so-called eternal Epic), if you want to go up to Mythic, you should learn about meta heroes and gameplay in Mythic so you can play with higher performance. Don’t settle for just following Epic’s children’s play style, because if you don’t progress, it will be difficult for you to one day go up to Mythic.
For Mythic tier players who descend into Epic, don’t immediately blaspheme your fellow party who happens to be an Epical Glory. Respect the heroes they want to pick, because if you force them to pick Mythic meta heroes, they may not control it and even make your party even more destroyed.
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